Extraordinary services activated in Eber Emilia Romagna

An extraordinary package of support was activated on November 4, 2024, for artisan businesses and workers affected by flooding in the Emilia Romagna region, Italy. The Agreement was signed by various stakeholder parties including Cna Emilia Romagna, Confartigianato Imprese Emilia Romagna, Claai Federlibere Emilia Romagna, Casartigiani Emilia Romagna, Cgil Emilia Romagna, Cisl Emilia Romagna, and U.R. Uil Emilia Romagna.

Two types of support measures were initiated to manage the impact of the flooding. Firstly, for flood-related damages to business facilities and equipment, eligible businesses can apply for support with an initial minimum amount of 1,300 euros. A grant equal to 30% of the documented expenses will be available, up to a maximum of 50,000 euros. After validating the submitted documents, this support will be granted according to set maximum amounts and percentages, or up to a maximum of 15,000 euros.

Secondly, to help employees with costs incurred in the restoration and repair of their home, a one-time grant is provided with a maximum limit of 1,000 euros. This grant can be requested only once, by one employee per household.

The rules and processes for requesting these benefits were outlined in the regulations published on the Eber website. It is important to note that only businesses that are compliant with the bilateral payments as required by national and regional agreements will be eligible for this support.

A “Emergency Fund” of 4 million euros was created to provide extraordinary flood benefits for 2023 and 2024. Consequently, these benefits will be granted until all allocated funds have been used.

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