Telecomunicazioni CCNL: aggiornamento sui negoziati per il rinnovo del contratto.

Slc-Cgil, Fistel-Cisl, and Uilcom-Uil, the trade unions, have updated the outcome of their meeting with Asstel to press on with negotiations for the renewal of the Telecommunications Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNL). In economic terms, the time has come to implement economic improvements, given inflation increases. Among other updates, regarding Crm/BPO context, it is planned, for workers serving in outsourced call center companies, to introduce a system of flexibility for managing traffic spikes, connected to the consolidation of remote work. With regards to prompt flexibility, trade unions have requested to increase the percentage of payment for days worked under a prompt flexibility regime. There is no consensus yet between the employer and the trade unions on the topic of sickness allowance. Asstel would like to gradually reduce sickness payment, eventually eliminating economic recognition for the first three days; the Trade Unions, on the other hand, want to revise the payment system for the first three days. Meetings have been scheduled for the 10th and 18th of December to review the situation and kick-start the renewal process shortly.

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